12 November 2018

The glorious Trentham Gardens

Day-out | Gardens | Barefoot walk

Trentham Gardens is very famous for, well... its gardens!

In our family day-out last summer 2017 to Trentham Gardens, we bought a Garden Day ticket as we plan to enjoy the glorious gardens this place is famous for. And there are quite a few to roam around but alas, so few time left that day as we arrived near lunchtime and have not had our lunch yet.

Following a map given to us at the ticket office we ventured out to see some of the gardens before we took a break at the Adventure Playground. After the children had a great time doing the painful Barefoot walk and getting lost in the Maze, we headed home but not before passing through the remaining gardens.

Floral Labyrinth. A labyrinth of paths that meanders through 30 beds of tall perennial planting.

Trentham Hall Remains. The remains of Trentham Hall, including the sculpture gallery and clock tower, is found in the northern-most part of the Eastern Pleasure Ground. Demolished almost a hundred years ago, this former seat of the Dukes of Sutherland, was once one of England’s grandest country houses.

Upper Flower Garden. Includes the viewing platform.

Show Gardens

Italian Gardens. Includes Perseus and Medusa, Loggia and 50p piece, and others.

A day is not enough to enjoy Trentham Gardens, even just the gardens. You have to come back again and again but it will cost you. So, a whistlestop tour will do for now. Who knows, we will visit again. And again.

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