A few years back we attended a friend's 'Life begins' birthday party and we got to dress up nicely for a change. But we are not the story here. A group of talented musician friends have provided live band music for the glitzy birthday party. The birthday celebrant and her spouse joined the band and entertained the crowd with a couple of songs.
The lighting during the band performance was not very good for photography though. It was quite dark and the background lights were quite distracting on the photos I have taken. So, I decided to convert these photos into black and white with a bit of tweaking to ensure the viewer's focus will be on the musicians themselves.
As the band performed in the dark with only minor lighting, nailing focus was quite hard for my amateur hands. It was a good thing I brought fast prime lens, otherwise I would not have gotten decent photographs.
All photos were taken with a micro four thirds camera (mostly from an older version of https://amzn.to/2nuWd35 and a few from an older version of https://amzn.to/2kSIQc4) attached with a prime lens (mostly from https://amzn.to/2nDAW7H and a few from https://amzn.to/2mXefei).
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