
St Albans Cathedral from the outside: Gallery

If you have not read the story of my visit to St Albans Cathedral please go here or click the link above.

Before I went inside the Cathedral I wandered a bit in the cathedral grounds to see the Abbey Gateway, the Verdun Tree and the Vintry Garden in detail. I also had a quick look at the nearby Clock Tower.

I visited the cathedral city of St Albans in January 2022 when I had a few hours to spare while waiting for my wife attending her lessons from the nearby university in Hatfield. The city is just a 15-minute drive from Hatfield, which is an hour and 15 minutes drive from my city of Peterborough. I decided to just visit two famous places in the city that are close to each other - St Albans Cathedral and the ruins of the Roman Theatre of Verulamium.

All photos were taken with a micro four thirds camera ( attached with a telephoto zoom lens (

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