
The Emett Clock

The Emett Clock, otherwise known as The Aqua Horological Tintinnabulator, is a 'water-powered' clock. Designed and created by kinetic sculptor Rowland Emett, the installation of the clock at intu Victoria Centre in Nottingham was completed in 1973. Since then, The Emett Clock has become a much loved local landmark and a popular meeting place among shoppers.

After our morning visit to 'Pure Land' meditation centre and Japanese garden, our group decided to have lunch at an 'all you can eat' buffet restaurant in Nottingham, an hour's drive away from the garden. Unfortunately, the manager got scared of my son's multiple food allergies and politely asked us to leave.

So, our family headed off to our all time favourite fastfood restaurant famous for lovin' it. We finished earlier than the rest of the group who stayed in the buffet restaurant so we had time to waste. We went inside intu Victoria Centre, which was just beside 'maccy d' for some window shopping.

Finding a place to sit down, I came across this strange looking contraption so I got up to check it out. It was The Emett Clock! So I took some snapshots and videos for memories sake. It was a shame I did not check the clock further. I was just so tired from the frustration I had with that earlier restaurant that I was not in a mood to be a tourist.

All photos and videos were taken with my current Android smartphone
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