NOTE: Re-posted (with minor edits) from pinoyborian photography blog; originally posted on 27 August 2015.
The family went to Stoke-on-Trent to spent the last weekend. We stayed at the house of one of my wife's best friends in university days. They've since moved to their new house just opposite from the last one we've visited a few years back.
I was attracted to the hydrangeas in her garden. There were roses, too, of my favourite colour (yellow and orange tip) and even flowers from pakchoi (petsay to us Filipinos). I am rubbish at gardening so I indulge on my admiration of flowers by taking photos instead. And I couldn't let this opportunity pass.
While composing for my shots, I noticed a few garden beetles in the petals and leaves. So, I included them as well. Then there were spiders, symmetrical leaf forms, water drops in the leaves and flowers (it rained the previous night) and more.
A few minutes with my Olympus Pen E-PL5 ( mounted with the Olympus mZuiko 12-50mm kit lens ( on macro mode was a great enough morning shutter therapy for me. If you want to see more pictures and at a higher resolution please visit my Flickr album Stoke-on-Trent garden flowers and bugs. The photos in this post are all out-of-camera (OOC) jpegs reduced in resolution and watermarked.
No post-processing with Snapseed whatsoever this time. I thought I'd like to show you the beautiful colours made by Olympus OOC jpegs.